
Monday, March 21, 2016

Sociopaths lack everything, but first they lack respect...

People play power games because of fear coming from a sense of lack. If you play seven power games, you don't have much at all. The power games are based on three fears--loss, death and failure.

The four miracles I referred to in my previous post are:

  • Manifestation
  • Instantaneous Manifestation
  • Walking on Water
  • Time Travel
The miracle that our sociopath is facing is Time Travel, which involves overcoming lack of respect.

If you are coming from a lack of respect, the compensatory power game is Pride--the belief that you have the right to put others down. You believe you are higher than others. This game starts out when you are young, and you are older than other children. "I am older than you" is like saying better than the other because you are older. You equate age and respect. 

The power game of Pride is the first game of revenge, so revenge is the logical tool for a sociopath. Acts of revenge bring together five power games, and it seems to work because one individual is playing all five games. The problem is that each of the games leads to the end of life crisis, so the player of the games is facing their fears of loss, death and failure.

Respect comes from understanding how difficult it is to do what you are doing. There is respect between Olympic athletes because they know the dedication it takes to reach that level of competition. Age and respect cannot be equated. 

In "A Little Angel Told Me..." Archangel Michael says that when you face your end of life crisis, it is like playing poker with the devil, and you only have a pair of sevens, but the devil doesn't even have that.

By lacking power and respect, capacity, abundance, intimacy and a voice, sociopaths are making your life hell. 

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